May 29, 2011

Called to Serve

Oh hey! Remember how I got my mission call like two and a half weeks ago?! Yeah…sorry it took me so ridiculously long to post this. My computer was being eaten by a virus. :( Grr. Luckily it didn’t have to be completely wiped clean. Soo I'm back!
 In case you haven’t already heard…I’m going to  
Bahía Blanca ARGENTINA!
  Here's the run-down: Bahía Blanca means white bay. 
And from the looks of it, it's probably absolutely beautiful!
My mission itself is located in the south-west part of Buenos Aires, and it extends into La Pampa as well. It sits right along the Atlantic Ocean which means it'll get pretty humid! I am SO excited. I am absolutely thrilled that I get to go foreign. I'm excited to experience new culture, language, food, people, everything! Several of my friends served there also so it's been really fun to hear all about it from them. I don't leave till August 17th, so hopefully those three months go by fast!!
The great thing is that my brother and I will both be serving a mission at the same time! (My poor mom) We're both going Spanish speaking so we're excited to be able to write back and forth.
 And! For those of you who wished you could have been there, this is a video of when I opened my call :)

May 9, 2011


My mission call has been sent! Feel free to start freaking out with me now.

May 6, 2011

Still Waiting

As some of you already heard, my mission call didn't come this week so it will probably come on Wednesday--which just means more waiting. Trust me, it's been extremely hard to focus lately. The post office gives you the option though to go pick it up in the morning if you would rather do that than wait for the mail to come. Umm...yes thank you, I'll be there at 6am sharp on Wednesday to put an end to this waiting. I'll let you know the details soon! :)
But until then, I have had several requests to make a list of where people think I will be called, what language I will speak, and when I will enter the MTC. Let me know what your predictions are (you get two guesses) and I'll be thinking of a really awesome prize for the person who gets the closest. :)

Note: I would love to go foreign, and I would love to leave sooner rather than later, but you have to keep in mind that this is ALL in the Lord's timing. I know that wherever I get called it will be what is best!

May 3, 2011


For those of you who haven’t heard yet...
It feels nearly impossible to try & express and put into words all of the thoughts in my head. When it comes down to it I'm over the top excited, anxious, ansty, and...everything in between. Ya, I think you get the picture. I do at least one happy dance every day. I can't wait to get my call and see where the Lord wants me to serve. My papers went in last Tuesday, which means there is a slight  chance (a really really slight actually) that I could get my call tomorrow. Now don't get your panties in a bunch! There's no sense in getting your hopes up, but I'm still hoping. Hoping hard :)

It's neat to look back at the past couple months of my life to see how far I've come and how much I have grown. I never really had planned on serving a mission when I turned 21 because I always thought I would be married. In fact, I was quite defiant in not serving a mission for awhile just because it felt like such an escape from the trials in my life at that point. I would be going for the wrong reasons. 

Well, time change me. I guess I had what you could call a change of heart because I realized the reasons why I want to serve a mission. Because of the gospel I know the purpose of this life, and the rest of the world doesn't. That's not fair. I want to go for the people. I want to give them what makes me so happy. I want to give them that glow I have that makes others wonder how I can always be smiling. I want to share the truthI want to teach them how to be worthy of the Spirit at all times and in all things and in all places. I want to help them become worthy to be baptized as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I want to take them to the temple. I want to teach them about the miraculous healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I want to teach them about the importance of eternal families. And most importantly, I want to teach them of the love of their Savior and their Heavenly Father.