February 28, 2011

Day 28

A thank you:
This may sound silly...
 but here's a thank you to every one that I came in contact with yesterday. 

Really, every one.
You know who you are.

I strongly believe that the Lord gives us answers to prayer through other people.
So thank you :) 
You all help keep me on my feet, and I couldn't be more grateful.

February 25, 2011

Day 27

A tv show you're addicted to:
Addicted is a strong word. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to the show...but it's one of the shows I have been watching a couple times lately. There is a guy on it who at one point weighed 646 pounds! 
Wait, whaaat?!
Hold on. 
That's like five of me! 
Disgusting. Our population is so overweight that they came up with a reality show to get people back into shape again? How embarrassing.

Day 26

A photo of you in high school:
Shannon, Carrie, Me & Shay
:) We look like babies! It's weird to think that it has been about three years since graduation. Time flies! I wouldn't go back though. High school was great while it lasted, but being in college is a whole new adventure!

Day 25

Put your ipod on shuffle. The first 10 songs that play:
        1. Secrets-OneRepublic
        2. Defying Gravity-Wicked
        3. Empire State of Mind (ft. Alicia Keys) Jay-Z
        4. You Found Me-The Fray
        5. She is Love-Parachute
        6. Heart Heart Heartbreak-Boys Like Girls
        7. Hey Ya-Obadiah Parker
        8. T-Shirt-Shontelle
        9. Unstoppable-Rascal Flatts
        10. Bubbly-Colbie Caillat

February 14, 2011

Day 24

A song that matches your mood:
Will He Dance--Truman

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

February 13, 2011

Day 23

A photo of you and your family:
So this post is wayyy overdue, but my brother got his mission call! I am so excited for him. I admire his excitement and eagerness to go teach the gospel. He decided to open his call with just our family there, which was really a neat experience for all of us. Hearing him read his call was a moment I will never forget. 
Look at the cute, proud mom :)

I told my mom I wouldn't put this video on Facebook...so I'll put it on my blog instead ;) I love it. This happy dance is my mom to a T .
(Sorry it's sideways, I cannot figure out how to flip it)

By the way..he's going to Omaha, Nebraska
Spanish speaking!

He leaves June 15th.

It's going to be hard to share him for two years, but I'm excited to see the impact he will have on the people of Omaha. They have no idea how lucky they are! 

February 6, 2011

Day 22

Something you couldn't leave the house without:
My cell phone.
aka: my "brick"
I probably rely on it too much to be honest. It's my watch, my alarm clock, and my ticket to the social world. I'm pretty sure the only phone numbers I have memorized are my own, my home, and my mom and dad's cell phone numbers. And they are on speed dial anyway, so it's not like I need to remember them...haha

Day 21

Something you could never get tired of doing:
Cuddling. It never gets old.

Day 20

Your favorite movie:
 Remember the Titans
Seriously, this movie is the best movie ever made.
Incredible actors,
moving story,
beautiful music,
...what more could you want?

People have tried to re-create it with similar story lines...
Not gonna happen. 

Day 19

How you found out about blogs and why you made one:
I'm not really sure to be honest...but I really enjoy writing, and it just sounded like fun!